Taiwan Certification
Taiwan Certification for Explosion Protected Products
The Safety Label for Ex equipment in Taiwan indicates conformity to Taiwan national standards and completion of the official registration scheme by Taiwan’s Ministry of Labor. It is currently a mandatory requirement that all Ex equipment acquire a Safety Label prior to importation, sales, distribution, installation or operation in Taiwan.
According to Taiwan’s “Occupational Safety and Health Act” created by the Ministry of Labor, all explosion-protected (Ex) electrical equipment in all areas must comply with applicable safety standards. A registration of safety information must be carried out for Ex products in Taiwan. As part of this registration, the product is checked if it is in accordance with Taiwan’s regulations and standards.
The Ex type approval certificate is required for certain explosion-proof products.
The Taiwan Ex type approval certificate is mandatory for the following products:
Ex luminaires, rotating electrical machines, and switch and control panels/gears.
These products must apply for the Taiwan Ex type approval certificate, regardless of existing Ex certificates.
Certification Procedure
Tests and inspections are part of the Ex certification approval process in Taiwan. The following 5 main steps are necessary for certification:
For certain products, it is possible to carry out the approval process without inspection or testing. Existing certifications and test reports (IECEx, ATEX, etc.) can be used as the basis for Taiwan Ex certification.
If the products already have a current, valid ATEX or IECEx Certificate, additional tests may be avoided. Under certain circumstances, IECEx QAR (Quality Assessment Report) or ATEX QAN (Quality Assurance Notification) or other relevant documents that indicate the conformity of the manufacturing and process quality may be recognized.
The Taiwan Ex certificate can have different periods of validity depending on the approval procedure. The longest period of validity is 3 years. These are given to manufacturers who already have IECEx certification and can provide test reports that have been issued by foreign Ex-Certification bodies having mutual agreement on test report acceptance.
KSC is Here to Help!
KSC welcomes manufacturers who wish to achieve an Taiwan Ex certification.